Tuesday, 6 February 2018

The BBC: A Public Service Broadcaster

What does PSB mean?
  • Public service broadcasting refers to broadcasting intended for public benefit rather than to serve purely commercial interests. It has to be for public service. 
  • PSB brad casters have to cater for also ages/genders/face/ religion/class/ etc. They also have to achieve a mix of educational, information and entertainment. 
Different remits for different channels 
  • The BBC has a 100% PSB remit 
  • ITV has a much smaller PSB remit 
  • Channel 4 has a large, but slightly different PSB rent 
  • Channel 5 has a tiny PSB remit and all digital channels have no PSB remit. 
OFCOM - - - >  in charge of ensuring broadcasting to keep their PSB remit 

  • The only reason BBC can meet its huge PSB responsibilities is because it does not on advertisers. 
  • ITV must always via for the largest audience possible in roder to make much money possibile. PSB does not always create massive crowd pleasures. 
  • So, because the BBC have no need to always win massive audiences. It can put on educational show documentaries. 
  • The BBC stand by its 3 keywords 
BBC Mission 

To enrich people's live with programmes and services what inform, educate, entertain 

Cur Values 
  • Independent, impartial, honest
  • audience are at the hearth of everything 
  • quality and value for money 
  • creativity 
  • celebrate cur diversity 

Sustaining citizenship and civil society 

The BBC provides high-quality news, current affairs and factual programming to engage its viewers listeners and users in important current an political issues. 

Promoting educational and learning 

The support of educational in schools and colleges and informal knowledge and skills building 

Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence 

Encouraging interest, engagement and participation in cultural creative and sporting activities across the UK 

Representing the UK, its nation, region and communities 

BBC viewers, listeners and users can really on the BBC to reflect the many communities that exits in the UK

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