Thursday 9 November 2017

Newspaper: Semiotic Analysis

Tabloid Analysis: 
                                                                                                                                                                     This tabloid newspaper has hit the news values of "Unexpectedness"; "continuity". The headline is "CPS PROBE ON GREEN EXTREME PORN"  that catch immediately your attention. The writing of the headline is very big and in bold so can catch your attention faster. At the top of the   newspaper, alongside the masthead, is a story regarding a TV show "Strictly Come  Dancing "  It is positioned next to the masthead so when the customer is looking what paper it is,  they immediately see this story.
The Sun is a tabloid also know as a redtop newspaper simply for the red surrounding color on the masthead. The colors of the main article give a denotation of being black and white however give a connotations of being a much more serious article in comparison to the colorful other surrounding articles that are of a more playful style.


Broadsheet Analysis:

This broadsheet newspaper has hit the news values of "Unexpectedness"; "Negativity"; "Elite person"
The front page uses an "elite person" Donald Trump, to sell the story as anything that concerns him is in the news. The background color in the photo give the denotation of red and white but gives connotations of the American flag which leads to a cross cultural story. The front cover has a few stories on it with bold subheading.
The Daily Telegraph is a right wing newspaper therefore includes a vast amount of their columns in relation to politics. 
The Headline story on this picture front cover shows a sex scandal amongst ministers. 

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