Wednesday 29 November 2017

Representation of Youth

1.Who is being represented in this image?

2.Are you being given the stereotypical or countertypical image of the person/group? Describe the representation.

3.HOW is this representation being constructed by the media language? – consider camera angles, choice of images, colours, size, mise en scene, etc.

4.How is the representation being constructed by the text? – consider word choices, size of text, tone, etc.

5.Does this representation fit with the institutional codes and conventions? Explain your answer. – think about institution, audience, tabloid/broadsheet, etc.

The representation of this article is of teenager thug causing trouble in London. I think this due to the fact he's wearing tracksuit with hidden appearance suggesting that he's been making trouble or done wrong.Young people are used to wear Adidas so this is why he's being represent as a troubled youth. It immediately creates the stereotypical idea in the readers head that it is a youth, in a tracksuit who set the car on fire as they tend to cause trouble.  The use of the word "ANARCHY" in large block capitals also makes the reader think that youths create trouble and go against the rules. They used this font to make it stand out to catch the readers attention. "Mindless Violence" is saying that all youth are mindless and stupid, as they don't know what they are doing which is an incorrect stereotype. The use of red font creates a negative image as red is typically used to portray death, sadness, or
pain. The slightly formal use of language is used to make them seem better that the people who are creating the riot. The representation has been constructed by the use of Photoshop, from a man who has actually 35 so not a teenager and a car on fire, to make it look bad to The Suns audience which is middle class. The colors of the fire straight away create a negative vibe, and the choice of person used also makes a negative vibe due to their posture and choice of outfit. The camera angle has made it seem as like it is a result off the mans actions, when it is not. The size of the person compares to the fire is out of proportion meaning that it it makes the man seem powerful, and therefore makes the reader think that he is intimidating and people should be scared of him, adding to the incorrect stereotype.
This article fits in with the typical tabloid codes and conventions as the large and colorfull image on the front cover, the main word in a big font, and this is what a typical "The Sun" readers likes

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